
It gives me great pleasure to introduce this book which is something of a milestone. In recent years I have been a spectator as the volume of books, papers and articles about European integration has swollen to a veritable flood. The study of European integration is a young discipline. A generation ago, it was in its infancy and two generations ago it did not exist. Now, it is the object of a great deal of technical and political attention and much learned production. In this decisive phase of Eastern enlargement it\'s increasingly important to move from the general questions of European integration to the details, as a thorough understanding of how the Union Works is an essential prerequisite of making the best of EU membership.The Handbook on the European Union, which has already seen five Hungarian editions and is a must-have book sitting on the shelf of a large number of Hungarian politicians, experts, students and people of all walks of life, is one of the key referense volumes on

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