A nap süt és Fellegi bácsi, a díjnyertes paradicsomkertész boldog. De amikor a felhők eltakarják a napot, a táj sötétbe borul. Fellegi bácsi paradicsomai nem nőnek tovább, sőt mit több, az égbolt beborult.Ám Fellegi bácsi tudja, mi a teendő: el kell kapnia a felhőket az égen. És megépíti a hiper-szuper Soha-Hiba Nem-Probléma csodamasinát…The sun is shining and Mr Bellavista, grower of prize tomatoes, is happy. But when clouds creep over the sun, his outlook darkens. His tomatoes will never ripen, and what’s more, the sky looks a mess.Mr Bellavista knows exactly what to do — he must catch all the clouds in the sky. And he has a super-duper never-a-problem no-mistakes brilliant way to do it …Written by Sue Wootton, an award-winning poet and story-writer who has published two collections of poetry (Hourglass and Magnetic South), and held the Robert Burns writing fellowship at Otago University in 2008. She lives in Dunedin and has three children.Illustrated by Carla Braun-Elwert who grew up in Lake Tekapo, amidst the stunning surroundings of the Mackenzie High Country. She has a degree in science communication, is a keen skier, and makes films on natural history.

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