
Tartalomjegyzék:ContentsForeword to the second, revised editionAcknowledgements1. Introduction: About this Book2. List of symbols used in this Book2.1. Phonemic Symbols2.2. Non-phonemic Symbols2.3. Non-segmental Symbols2.4. Intonation3. Diagram of he Oral Cavity4. ’Received Pronunciation’ (BP): Standard, Sub-Standard British English5. Clarity6. Stress and Rhythm6.1. Stress- and Syllable-Timed Rhythm6.2. The Pairwise Variability Index and Vowel Weakening6.3. Metrical Phonology6.4. Phrasal and Compound Word Stress7. Intonation7.1. Tonicity, tonality, tone: Contour Transcription7.2. The Functions of Intonation8. Optimality Theory9. Linking10. Instability of Alveolar Stop Consonants10.1. Assimilation, Elision and Coalescence10.2. Replacement of/t/by Glottal Stop11. New developments11.1. Upspeak11.2. Syllabic n and l12. Recorder Exercises, Notes and CommentariesExercise 1: RhythmNotes to Exercise 1Exercise 2: Rhythm, Accent and DeaccentuationNotes to Exercise 2Exercise 3: Rhythm and Linking

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