
1. \"False Awakening Suite\" \"I. Sleep Paralysis\" \"II. Night Terrors\" \"III. \"Lucid Dream\" (instrumental; music by Petrucci, Rudess)2. \"The Enemy Inside\" 3. \"The Looking Glass\" 4. \"Enigma Machine\" (instrumental; music by Petrucci, Rudess, Myung, Mangini) 5. \"The Bigger Picture\" 6. \"Behind the Veil\" 7. \"Surrender to Reason\" (lyrics by Myung) 8. \"Along for the Ride\" (music by Petrucci, Rudess) 9. \"Illumination Theory\" \"I. Paradoxe de la Lumiere Noire\" (instrumental) \"II. Live, Die, Kill\" \"III. The Embracing Circle\" (instrumental) \"IV. The Pursuit of Truth\" \"V. Surrender, Trust & Passion\"

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