
Energy Conscious Heating978 963 05 9058 7In 2007 the EU\'s leaders decided to combat climate change and increase the EU\'s energy security while strengthening its competitiveness. The targets are: the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU at least 20% below 1990 levels, 20% of the EU\'s energy consumption to come from renewable resources, a 20% reduction in primary energy use compared with projected levels, to be achieved by improving energy efficiency. Operation of buildings accounts for over 40% of the energy use in the EU and due to the rising comfort needs, the energy demand of buildings increases continuously. The EU goals might be reached by improving the insulation level of existing buildings and minimizing the energy losses. In Central European climate heating represents about 70% from the total energy consumption of a residential building with average thermal characteristics of the envelope. In this book some methods and solutions are presented for proper operation of heating systems in thermally refurbished buildings: analysis of building thermal insulation, adjustment of heating system to refurbished building heat demand, low temperature heating, unbalanced central heating systems, disturbances and operational parameters of central heating systems, hot water preparation, exergy consumption for heating in retrofitted detached houses. This book is recommended for researchers, teachers, students and engineers dealing with central heating systems, who are committed to energy saving.978 963 05 9058 7 • • B5 • kartonált 5985 Ft

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