
Books have a future, just as they have a past. The past of the present volume harkens back sixty years. It first saw the light of day in 1956, when it was published by the Zenemű Kiadó, the state-owned firm founded with the purpose of making books on music available to the general public. Its choice first fell on the Bartók biography written by the music theorist and historian Bence Szabolcsi, which was previously published in a journal and which, as we have come to realize, was a tamely worded but ardent call to arms. In wake of the efforts of Szabolcsi and others, in the late spring of 1956, after seven years of having been banned, the Budapest Opera put The Miraculous Mandarin on its programme once again. Then in October, 1956, in the shadow of momentous historical events, Szabolcsi’s Bartók biography was published with the addition of new chapters. The writer of these lines was appointed to undertake the editing and annotations. With time a comprehensive biography of the composer w

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